God has always provided mankind information on his plans beyond just on a need to know basis,
available for those who have the desire to look deeper and seek better understanding.
This work is completely independent of any existing religions denomination, church, organisation or group.
A voice from a wilderness, correcting wrong Bible understandings, removing false religious traditions, smoothing the way.
One of the most important instructions given by God to the Israelite nation was a Sabbath law pattern. It involved the observnce of an entire year long Sabbath, that came round once every 50 years. Most Israelites would only witness one of these in their lifetime. What did such a significant Sabbath shadow and how would Christ bring this sabbath pattern to a reality, Col 2:16-17.
Some 3,500 years ago, God had recorded in the bible details of a 50 year repeating cycle, a Jubilee 'time model'. It was first laid out to Moses, the year after the nation had exited Egypt. Some 40 years before the nation would own its own land to cultivate and able to carry out the instructions given in this 'time model'. Only recently has the significance of the full reality of the this 50 year Jubilee cycle pattern God dictated to the Israelite nation been revealed. It was a modelled small scale pattern of a much greater substantial real Jubilee. It has became the longest and the most important of all the Sabbath patterns given to the nation of Israel, with an even greater application for all mankind.
God prescribed very specific conditions and calculations to be incorporated into this 50 year cycle, creating a very unique "shadow" with far greater significance, "A SABBATH IS A SHADOW (PATTERN) OF THINGS TO COME", Col 2:16-17 (NKJV). This 50 year model contained two different Sabbath years. A one year long Sabbath once every seven years. Each 50 year Jubilee cycle contained seven of these once every seven year sabbaths, (7 x 7 years) adding up to a total of 49 years. The other Sabbath year was an additional unique Jubilee Sabbath year added at the end of the 7 cycles, after 49 years, a final 50th year. These Sabbaths form a template or pattern of much greater time cycles. An examination the bible evidence reveals what these Sabbaths in reality shadow.
In the original model the last 50th year was a great Jubilee Sabbath, a year that came around once every 50 years. Most Israelites could expect to experience one Jubilee during their lifetime. The Jubilee Sabbath was a full year allocated to redressing and correcting all legal and civil issues. Once every 50 years, liberty and inheritance rights were to be restored to every family in the entire nation, a time when justice was rebalanced and inheritance rights were reset. Any farms, property, land, debts, loans, work contracts, that had been sold had to be restored to there original situation as at the beginning of each 50 year cycle. There was to be no polarisation of wealth or enforced poverty in this nation. No freehold selling of family inheritances. Each family would have returned its own family and tribal inheritances, as originally divided out and bestowed by Yhwh. All then commence the next 50 year cycle with clean slates. This was repeated every 50 years, unable to sell the family home freehold, a person could only lease sell it for the amount of years remaining until the next Jubilee Sabbath year came round, when it would have to be returned.
In the nation of Israel, this redressing and restoring all things to their original condition took place once every 50 years. A good system but principally designed by God as a pattern of a much larger real 50,000 year 'Greater world Jubilee' cycle. A timetable set by God for the restoration of the entire human race to its original God given inheritances and conditions. Redressing all problems and rebalancing all situations back to Gods original intended standards.
The meaning of the word 'Jubilee' is "sounding the ram's horn". A ram's horn was blown half way through the 50th year to proclaim this redressing, restoration process; it took place throughout the entire nation involving and affected everybody living in the country. Leviticus chapter 25 lays out the details of this 50 year Jubilee cycle.
"The land must observe a Sabbath (year) to God. Six years sow your field, six years prune your vineyards..(vs3) in the seventh year there should be a Sabbath (year) of complete rest for the land .. you must not sow your field or prune your vineyard (vs4). You must count off seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, so the period of the seven weeks of years will amount to forty nine years" (vs8). "You must cause the loud horn to sound on the 10th day of the 7th month (October), the day of atonement, (vs9) and you must set aside the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It will be a Jubilee for you, and you must return each his possession and you should return each to his family" (vs10).
"In the sixth year (the 48th year in the cycle) I will cause three years of crops in one (vs21) to carry you over until your ninth year crop" (vs22) (the 1st year of the next 50 year cycle). "In case your brother grows poor and has to sell some of his property, he or his relatives have the right to redeem it whenever possible (vs25); the redemption price shall be calculated according to the years remaining until the next Jubilee (vs27); if he cannot afford to recover it, it shall remain with the purchaser until the Jubilee year when the property must be released and returned (vs28). In case your brother grows poor and he has to sell his labour, they should not become slaves (vs39). He should be treated like a hired labourer. He should serve you till the next Jubilee year comes round (vs40). Then he must be freed and returned to his family and to their ancestral property" (vs41).
Each 50th Jubilee year was calculation by adding together, seven lots of seven year cycles. Each seven year cycle, the first six years the Israelites carried out their normal annual farming rotation, planting and sowing in spring and gathering the harvests in the autumn. The seventh year became a rest year for the land; there was to be no planting or sowing in the spring of each seventh year and therefore, no harvesting in that year. The land would enjoy a rest, a Sabbath. These seven year cycles were added together until seven cycles of Sabbaths had accumulated. A total period of 49 years (7 x 7 = 49). Following the 49th Sabbath year of land rest, came this very special 50th Jubilee Sabbath year, this resulted in two back to back Sabbath years the 49th and the 50th.
The 50th Jubilee year was to be an entire year dedicated to the liberation of the people and restoration of property. All inhabitants throughout the land had a fresh start. All work contracts ended all hereditary land possessions leased off since the previous Jubilee were returned to their owners. All wealth redistributed back to former owners. All sold, contracted, rented or leased things returned to their original owners. It was a unique God created system for resetting and returning everything to its original situation. No other nation in human history has ever had anything remotely like it.
|Sabbath | |
Chart 7:2 THE
* = A Sabbath year no harvest |
Each 50th year in the Israelite Jubilee cycle was preceded by a 49th Sabbath year. The Mosaic law did not permit them to sow seed for harvesting in this 49th Sabbath year, nor in the following 50th Jubilee Sabbath year. To compensate for this loss of two years' harvest and prevent starvation occurring as a result of keeping these laws, God guaranteed to step in with a miraculous provision. He promised: "I will order my blessing for you in the sixth year, (the 6th year of the 7th cycle, the 48th year of the cycle) so that it will yield a crop for three years" Leviticus 25:21,(NRSV). Once every 50 years, a miraculous crop, three times larger than normal was provided on the 48th year, confirming just how important this pattern was regarded by God in His plans.
Chart 7:4 TWO YEAR SABBATH RESTING OF THE LAND EVERY 49th & 50th YEARS Years 1-48---->|<---48th year-->|<---49th year-->|<---50th year-->| |
This Jubilee Sabbath year was the greatest of all Sabbaths dictated by God. So important was this pattern Yhwh warned the nation of Israel that should they failed to keep these Jubilee Sabbath years, the nation would be punished for seven years, for every Sabbath year they failed to keep. This punishment is recorded in the chapter following the instructions on the Jubilee cycle. “And if, in spite of all this, you still disobey me, I will punish you seven times over for your sins" Leviticus 26:18 NLT).
“But if, .. you disobey me and continue hostile to me, 28... I in turn will punish you myself sevenfold for your sins. 31 I will lay your cities waste, will make your sanctuaries desolate, ... 32 I will devastate the land, so that your enemies who come to settle in it shall be appalled at it. 33 And you I will scatter among the nations, and I will unsheathe the sword against you; your land shall be a desolation and your cities a waste. 34 “Then the land shall enjoy its Sabbath years as long as it lies desolate, while you are in the land of your enemies; then the land shall rest and enjoy its Sabbath years. 35 As long as it lies desolate, it shall have the rest it did not have on your Sabbaths when you were living on it. Lev 26: 27-35 (NRSVUE).
A severe seven fold punishment metered out by God for failing to keep these important Sabbath years, came by the hand of Babylon in 587 BC "they burned the house of God. And they shattered the walls of Jerusalem and burned its citadels with fire and destroyed all the vessels of its treasuries. And he took those who escaped the sword to Babylon. And they became servants to him and to his sons until the rule of the kingdom of Persia, to fulfil the word of Yhwh by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land has enjoyed its Sabbaths. All the days of desolation it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years" 2 Chron 36:19-21 (LEB). Such was the importance placed on this Jubilee pattern!
The punishment administered was for seventy years while Jerusalem and the land lay desolate. According to God's rule of seven times punishment for the crime, it must have been failure to keep ten Sabbath years. Ten Sabbaths punished 7 times would equal 70 years. The 70 year desolation of Jerusalem started in 587 BC and ended 70 years later in 517 BC. See CONFUSION OVER TWO 70 YEAR PERIODS in Appendix.12.
The term Sabbath years indicates it could well relate to the all important Jubilee Sabbaths. In order for the Israelite nation to carry out the requirements of Jubilee cycles, the nation of 12 tribes would have had to be in possession of the entire land that Yhwh had divided and bestowed between all 12 tribes. Sadly the 12 tribes of the Israelite nation split into two divisions. In this condition they were unable to carry out the important Jubilee year regulations requiring the entire 12 tribes to re-equalise all tribal inheritances. The split occurred at the end of Solomon's reign in c977 BC. From the split in 977 and the start of the desolation of Jerusalem 587 BC are some 390 years that the split nation was unable to carry out Jubilee Sabbaths, this 390 year period is confirmed by Ezekiel's enacted time periods.
Ezekiel 4:1 “take a brick and ... Engrave on it a city—Jerusalem. 2 Lay siege to it, 3 you are to besiege it. This is a sign to the house of Israel. 4 “lie on your left side and lay the guilt of the house of Israel on yourself. .. 5 And I will impose on you 390 days, corresponding to the years of their guilt, .. 6 “Then a second time you will lie, on your right side, and you will carry the guilt of the house of Judah for 40 days. A day for a year, a day for a year, is what I have given you.
The 70 year desolation period when no Jubilee Sabbaths could be kept, would end in 517 BC, between 977 and 517 is a total period of 460 years (390 +70 = 460 years). This 460 years can encompass 10 failed Jubilee years.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
___|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|______|___| |< ----------------------------------- 451 years --------------------------------->| |
|<-------------------------------------- 460 years ------------------------------------>|
977 BC 517 BC
The Jubilee Sabbaths incorporating the instructions for returning all things to their original inheritance condition had a far greater significance than this pattern model. Its greater reality would be realised by Christ, its detailed instructions pattern the way for returning God's intended inheritance for mankind and restoring God's planned condition for the entire earth. Scaling up the Jubilee cycle reveals amazing new insights into God's perfect timetable.
"A festival or new moon or of a sabbath. These things are a shadow (or pattern) of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ" Col 2,16-17.
This Israelite 50 year Jubilee, models a full scale 1,000 times enlarged 'Great Jubilee cycle' encompassing the entire world. It will be realised by Christ bringing this Sabbath pattern to a reality, redressing all inheritance rights, the release of captives, establishing legal entitlements and creating an inherited theocratic system throughout the entire earth. All those of mankind who have achieved entitlement to repossess their lost earthly inheritances will be able to do so.
When is the reality of this Greater Jubilee Sabbath scheduled? Examining the blue print in the scale model, the 49th Sabbath year followed by the 50th Jubilee Sabbath year, completed the 50 year cycle. When scaled up 1 to a 1,000, this 50 year model enlarges to a 50,000 year Great Jubilee time plan.
It now becomes possible to plot the overall time schedule for this Jubilee plan. The calculation starts at the commencement of the first creative day period and ends 50,000 years later. Its last 1,000 years is a Great Jubilee period. It now becomes possible to position further time pieces within this 50,000 year frame. Firstly, the important time for the start of the King of kings Sabbath reign commencing after 48,000 years into the cycle. The following time period, God's Great 1,000 year Jubilee starting after 49,000 years into the cycle.
God's 1,000 year Great Jubilee --------------->|*| | | The Kings 1,000 year Sabbath --------------->|*| | | | | |creative|creative|creative|creative|creative|creative|creative| | | | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | 7 Day | | | | 7000y | 7000y | 7000y | 7000y | 7000y | 7000y | 6000y+ |*|*| | Gen1:5 | Gen1:8 |Gen1:13 |Gen1:19 |Gen1:23 |Gen1:31 | Gen2:2 | | | |________|________|________|________|________|________|________|_|_| | | | | |<---------------------- 48,000 years ------------------------>| | | | | | |<--------------- 49,000 years, one creative week ------------- >| | | | |<---50,000 years = Creative Week inc' 1,000 year Jubilee period-->| | | |<-------------------- The Great Jubilee cycle ------------------->| |
As patterned in the model Jubilee cycle, the 49th year was a full Sabbath year followed by a second the 50th Jubilee year. Likewise, in the greater 50,000 year Jubilee cycle, the 49th, 1,000 year Sabbath period will be followed by a second 50th, 1,000 year Great Jubilee Sabbath period.
The key to unlocking this 50,000 year timetable lies in calculating the length of the each creation day referred to in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. The seventh creation day was a 'creative rest day' "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made: and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done," Genesis 2:2 (Douay-Rheims Bible). How long is this seventh rest day referred to as a 'sabbath' rest of God from creating? It followed His previous six working days of creation and would complete a full creative seven day week. The Hebrew translation rendered 'day' is the word 'yohm' and can equally refer to an 'age' or 'period' of time. Illustrating this usage, after the completion of six creative days Genesis 2:4 says "This is the history of the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that Yhwh God made the earth and the heavens" (World English Bible). This "day" refers collectively to all six previous creative days as 'one day', age or period. The word here translated 'day' is used in the sense of period of time. As we today would use it in 'the day of the steam engine', or 'the day of Queen Victoria'. So can we determine how long this seventh Sabbath day period is?
Internal Bible evidence confirms that this seventh 'creative rest period' was still continuing some 4,000 years later. The apostle Paul, about the year 60 AD, some 4,000 years after the seventh rest period started, wrote in Hebrews 4:1-11. Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. (vs3) Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, “So I declared on oath in my anger,‘They shall never enter my rest (the unbelieving rebellious Israelites of the exodus from Egypt).’And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the world. (vs4) For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: “On the seventh day God rested from all his works.”
Referring to these unbelieving Israelites of the Exodus, God said of them (vs5) ..“They shall never enter my rest.” (vs6) (Paul) Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience,... (vs8) For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. (vs9) There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; (vs10) for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. (vs11) Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience" New International Version. This prophetic rest pattern is by far the longest recorded in the Bible.
The apostle confirmed that the opportunity 'still remained' of 'entering' into God's Sabbath day of rest. According to Paul after some 4,000 years, this rest period was still continuing. So what does it mean, 'entering' into God's day of rest? The apostle, in verse 11 said: "Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest period, and not fail through such disbelief as theirs and not enter into it." NWT. Does it mean to 'enter' into this 'rest' they had to die during the on going period of God's rest? This cannot be the case, for both the faithful and the unfaithful have died and verse 5 says the disobedient ones "Shall not enter into my rest", yet they also died! We are told the obedient ones needed to make a special effort to enter it, you do not need to make any special effort to die! So it must mean something more than just dying.
The Bible hope that faithful servants of God look forward to after they die, is an earlier resurrection. It is not just the act of dying, but of being classified as an approved one, in order to receive a 'better' or earlier resurrection before this on-going Sabbath rest period ends. By being resurrected earlier they are able to 'enter alive during the still ongoing rest' period. Through faith, these ones co-operate with God, making effort to prove themselves loyal during their life time before they die. These become entitled to a better, earlier resurrection, the resurrection described as the resurrection of the just or righteous because the things they did speak well of them.
The apostle Luke wrote "and I have a hope in God, which these men themselves also accept, that there is going to be a resurrection, both of the righteous and the unrighteous" Acts 24:15 (Holman Christian Standard Bible).
Paul wrote "Others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection" Hebrews 11:35 (NIV) and "To get to know him, and the power of his resurrection and fellowship of his sufferings, becoming conformed unto his death, If by any means I may advance to the earlier resurrection, from among the dead" Philippians 3:10-11 (REB).
Most bibles translate Philippians 3:11 "that I may attain the resurrection from the dead". The Greek word 'exanastasis' is here translated resurrection, but this word is unique. It only occurs once in the bible at this place. Where as the usual Greek word 'anastasis' "of-a-standing-up" is translated resurrection 39 times. This Greek word 'ex-anastasis' "to-a-standing-up-out" carries an attached time element. When taken in context with the rest of Philippians chapter 3 a better rendering would be "that I may attain a earlier resurrection out of those from the dead".)
Loyal ones who proved worthy, before they die, held the hope of obtaining a better, earlier resurrection, which would occur within this same on-going 'rest' period, thereby they 'enter alive back into God's continuing rest period'. This seventh rest day of God will still be continuing when these justified ones are resurrected back to life. They sleep in death until a set time when they will be resurrected back to active life within the period of this continuing Sabbath 'rest'. They then are able to 'enter' actively into events during the later part of this 'rest day' period. Persons uncooperative and rebellious, such as that generation during the exodus under Moses, will be denied this opportunity, 'they will not return to life during this rest period' they are denied being involved in its opportunities. These forfeit the privilege of an early resurrection during this ongoing seventh day rest period. They have to wait until after this rest period has ended for their resurrection, this missing out is described as their weeping and gnashing of teeth.
According to further extrapolated bible chronology, the seventh creation rest day lasts for a period of 7,000 years (see the second and third interlocking time plans). According to Hebrews 4:3, rebellious ones are not privileged to enter by resurrection into the rest period. They forfeit the opportunity of a 'better' early resurrection to live during the remaining 1,000 years of the (7,000 year) seventh day period. So, when do the disobedient or unrighteous ones get their resurrection? Revelation 20:5 says: "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" (King James Bible). This resurrection of unjustified mankind is spoken of by John when he says: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those dead in the grave will hear his voice, (vs29) and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who have practised wrong to a resurrection of Judgement" John 5:28-29. There are two distinct time separated resurrections. The justified ones obtain their earlier resurrection within the 7,000 year, period of God's rest. The rest of the dead are resurrected after the 7,000 year 'rest day' has finished, when their yet unproven positions will by their own future actions judge themselves as to their positions.
With the Sabbath creative day of rest, 7,000 years long, it logically follows that the previous six creative days would also each be 7,000 years long. The entire 7 creative days, including the present ongoing seventh creative Sabbath rest day, amount to seven cycles of seven thousand years, a total of 49,000 years. The full Genesis 'creative week' covering a total period of 49,000 years. Following this, will be a parallel 1,000 year Jubilee period.
* = A Sabbath year no harvest
SCALED UP 1 to 1,000
This 50,000 year timetable commenced when God began developing this earth for habitation, at the beginning of the first 7,000 year creation day. It continued for a total of the six creation day periods totalling 42,000 years. God then entered a seventh rest day period after developing the earth for 42,000 years. This seventh rest period also lasts 7,000 years, all seven days totalling 49,000 years which will then be followed by a 1,000 year Great Jubilee, completing a 50,000 year cycle. For us the most important part of this time plan relates to the period we are living in now. We are almost 6,000 years into this 7,000 year 'rest' period. After 6,000 years there follows two 1,000 year Sabbaths back to back, the Lords 1,000 year Sabbath and the 1,000 year Jubilee Sabbath.
For further information on this 8,000 year period see APPENDIX 31.
This pattern is by far the longest recorded prophetic timetable in the Bible. Scaled up this 50 year model reveals a 50,000 year timetable which has only recently been brought back to light. Its knowledge was buried with the apostles then they died and the apostasy took over (see TRUTH DIES WITH APOSTLES and APOSTASY & CREED DOCTRINES).
Comprehending scriptural chronology on this greater 50,000 year Jubilee timetable is essential to understanding the next phases in the Kingdoms construction with living stones. The next phase will witness the recruiting of worthy human beings now alive on the earth. John the Baptist commenced his preparation work in April 29, two thousand years later in April 2029 will see the revival of a very special preparation activity. Final members of the Kingdom administration will be recruited into the Kingdom blood contract to complete the required number (see JOHN THE BAPTIST'S MINISTRY).
"When he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness they had given. They shouted with a loud voice, saying: “Until when, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” And a white robe was given to each of them, and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the number was filled of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they had been" (Rev 6:9-11).
After almost 2,000 years this knowledge has been buried, it is now the appointed time for its re-understanding. This 50,000 year timetable of God is for the first time since the first century being revealed again, opening an opportunity for discerning persons to advance their understanding of Gods Kingdom plans scheduled to take place soon. For further truly amazing details of these advancing plans (see Kingdom Opportunities for Christians of all Denominations).